Compiler Flags
VTS uses the MetaTrader compiler to convert your drawings into an Expert Advisor.
Here are the flags that can be passed to compiler:
Usage: mql.exe [<flags>] filename.mq5
/mql5 - compile mql5 source
/mql4 - compile mql4 source
/s - syntax check only
/i:<path> - set working directory
In general, you do not need to add any compiler flags.
VTS installs the compiler and the required "include" files in the correct locations. If you use the default values for the compiler, you do not need to add any compiler flags.
However, since the MetaTrader compiler can exist anywhere on your computer, it may be necessary to pass path information to the compiler to build your EA. For example, this is the correct syntax to find the include files in the VTS folder:
-i: C:\Program Files (x86)\iExpertAdvisor\Visual Trader Studio Connect\cfg\tools\MQL4\include
Again, if you use the default values for the compiler, you do not need to add any compiler flags.